Meaning of the Name Aldrich
Aldrich is a typically an Old English surname, but sometimes it can be used as a first name.
The meaning of the name of Aldrich means a wise ruler.
Why Choose this Name?
The name Aldrich is a name that is very unique. It is a beautiful name and there is a good meaning behind it. It is not a very common name and the meaning of Aldrich is a wise ruler. This is a very powerful meaning because it can represent the person who has this name and it can have a powerful impact on the person as well. This name has also been known to serve the last name for some families.
This is an English name that is not very commonly used. The popularity of Aldrich is very low as a first name. This name was once very popular in the early 1900s until the 1940s. Many have learned to adapt to this name and take the time to appreciate where it comes from and the meaning that is behind it.
How to Pronounce Aldrich?
The name is pronounced as ‘ALLd-rich’.
Famous People with the Name
- Aldrich Hazen Ames was a famous Russian double agent who worked for the CIA.
- Robert Aldrich was an American director and producer. One of his famous films was the ‘Dirty Dozen’.
- Aldrich Killian is a fictional character from the film/comic Iron Man.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names on our website.