Meaning and Origin of the Name Alvin
The name Alvin is pronounce AL-vin and became prevalent as first names and surnames after the Norman Conquest (1066-1072).
Alvin in most countries is always a male name . In English the name Alvin means to be a wise friend. The meaning of Alvin in Old English Aetheiwine and also Aefwine, both meaning “noble friend”, “friend of the elves” and “old friend”.
According to the Social security Administration (in the US) the popularity of Alvin gained its highest peak in the year 1927 at a total of 2,881 Alvins. In 2014 the popularity of Alvin was drastically different with the numbers being significantly smaller, Only 595 Alvins this year. As far back as in 1927 there were also 25 women with the name Alvin in the US.
Back in England in 2014 Alvin was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names.
Popular Alvins in time

- Alvin from the cartoon band Alvin and the Chipmunks (1978-present day)
- Alvin Stardust Famous Pop singer (1942-2014)
- Alvin Rey Swing Era Musician (1908-2004)
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English boys’ names like Alvin.