Meaning and Origin of the Name Brad
The meaning of the name Brad is derived from the name Bradley which is an Old English surname derived from a place name meaning “broad wood” or “broad meadow”.
Popularity of the Name
Since the 17th century the name Brad has been used as a first name in Britain. Hitting its height of popularity in Britain in the mid-90s, it has had a steady decline since that time. It was not on the 100 most popular boys’ names in 2018 in England and hasn’t been for many years.
In the United States, the name is the 257th most popular name, with an estimated population of 258,469 in that country.
Public Figures with the Name

- Brad Kavanagh (born 1992), British actor and singer-songwriter
- Brad Lewis (born 1958), American film producer
- Brad Pitt (born 1963), American actor
- Brad Simpson (born 1995), British singer and guitarist
- Brad Smith (born, 1994) Australian professional footballer
Variations of the Name
Variations of the name include Bradley, Bradford and Brady.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.