Names Beginning with C

English boys names starting with the letter C. Discover the meaning and popularity of theses names including the names Colin, Clive, Carter and much more

CadeMeans something round and lumpish*
CaesarAnalgised from the Italian name Cesare*
CaldwellMeans cold Well*
CalvertMeans shepherd or cowboy*
CalvinFrom the French surname*
CarlFrom the German boy’s name Karl***
CarltonPlaces with the same origin of Charlton*
CarterThe name comes from a person who drives a cart**
CarverThe name comes from a person with a trade as a wood carver**
CaryFrom a river in Devon or Summerset*
CaseyFrom the brave hero Casey Jones whose name originates 
from his birthplace Cayce
CassianFrom the Latin name Cassius*
CecilFrom a Welsh Celtic name Seissylt**
CedricFrom the name Cerdic*
ChadFrom old English boy’s name Ceadda who was a saint*
ChandlerOriginates from a person who made candles**
ChapmanMiddle Ages name that means Merchant**
CharlesMeans ‘free man’ originates from the names Cearl or Ceorl****
CharliePet form of Charles***
CharltonMade popular by Charlton Heston. Old English name Ceorlatun***
ChaseOriginates from a Huntsman*
ChesterFrom people who came from the English place Chester**
ChrisPet form of the name Christopher***
ChristianThe name Chrisianus which means a Christian**
ChristopherThe Greek name Khristophoros and means ‘Christ Bearer’***
ChuckMainly US-based term of endearment**
ClarenceLinked to famous royal princes**
ClaudeFrom the Latin name Claudius meaning ‘Lame’**
ClayPet name of Clayton*
ClaytonFrom people who lived in the clay settlement*
ClementFrom the Latin name Clemens*
CliffShort form of Clifford**
CliffordOriginates from the words Cliff and ford*
CliftonRelated to the words cliff, slop, and riverbank**
CliveFound in various English locations – meaning cliff or slope**
ClydeFrom the Scottish river**
ColeOld English male name Cola – meaning black*
ColemanFrom a man who burns cole*
ColinShort form of Nicholas***
ConradThis means bold in counsel*
ConstantMeans steadfast*
ConwayCeltic name and it means holy river*
CorwinThis name means from beyond a hill*
CourtneyOriginates from places in Northern France**
CraigMeans rocky from the Gaelic word creag***
CrispinMeans curly headed*
CrosbyThis English boy’s name means dweller by town cross*
CurtisThis name means courteous*
CuthbertMiddle English boy’s name meaning famous and bright**
CyrilLord like from the Greek name Kyrillos**

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