English boys names starting with the letter C. Discover the meaning and popularity of theses names including the names Colin, Clive, Carter and much more
Name | Description | Popularity |
Cade | Means something round and lumpish | * |
Caesar | Analgised from the Italian name Cesare | * |
Caldwell | Means cold Well | * |
Calvert | Means shepherd or cowboy | * |
Calvin | From the French surname | * |
Carl | From the German boy’s name Karl | *** |
Carlton | Places with the same origin of Charlton | * |
Carter | The name comes from a person who drives a cart | ** |
Carver | The name comes from a person with a trade as a wood carver | ** |
Cary | From a river in Devon or Summerset | * |
Casey | From the brave hero Casey Jones whose name originates from his birthplace Cayce | ** |
Cassian | From the Latin name Cassius | * |
Cecil | From a Welsh Celtic name Seissylt | ** |
Cedric | From the name Cerdic | * |
Chad | From old English boy’s name Ceadda who was a saint | * |
Chandler | Originates from a person who made candles | ** |
Chapman | Middle Ages name that means Merchant | ** |
Charles | Means ‘free man’ originates from the names Cearl or Ceorl | **** |
Charlie | Pet form of Charles | *** |
Charlton | Made popular by Charlton Heston. Old English name Ceorlatun | *** |
Chase | Originates from a Huntsman | * |
Chester | From people who came from the English place Chester | ** |
Chris | Pet form of the name Christopher | *** |
Christian | The name Chrisianus which means a Christian | ** |
Christopher | The Greek name Khristophoros and means ‘Christ Bearer’ | *** |
Chuck | Mainly US-based term of endearment | ** |
Clarence | Linked to famous royal princes | ** |
Claude | From the Latin name Claudius meaning ‘Lame’ | ** |
Clay | Pet name of Clayton | * |
Clayton | From people who lived in the clay settlement | * |
Clement | From the Latin name Clemens | * |
Cliff | Short form of Clifford | ** |
Clifford | Originates from the words Cliff and ford | * |
Clifton | Related to the words cliff, slop, and riverbank | ** |
Clive | Found in various English locations – meaning cliff or slope | ** |
Clyde | From the Scottish river | ** |
Cole | Old English male name Cola – meaning black | * |
Coleman | From a man who burns cole | * |
Colin | Short form of Nicholas | *** |
Conrad | This means bold in counsel | * |
Constant | Means steadfast | * |
Conway | Celtic name and it means holy river | * |
Corwin | This name means from beyond a hill | * |
Courtney | Originates from places in Northern France | ** |
Craig | Means rocky from the Gaelic word creag | *** |
Crispin | Means curly headed | * |
Crosby | This English boy’s name means dweller by town cross | * |
Curtis | This name means courteous | * |
Cuthbert | Middle English boy’s name meaning famous and bright | ** |
Cyril | Lord like from the Greek name Kyrillos | ** |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z