Meaning and Origin of the Name Chester

The name Chester means “Camp of Soldiers.” The origin of it’s name came from Roman Britain, which originated from Latin.
The popularity of Chester reigned during the early 1900’s. Many people also has the surname Chester. It was the top name from the late 1800’s up to 1955.
There were many television shows that used the name Chester- “The Nanny,” “Gun Smoke,” “The Wire,” and “The Life of Riley.” There is also an author who is named Chester A. Arthur.
Variation in the Name
The meaning of Chester has many variations and nicknames such as: Chesley, Chess, Castor, and there are many others. There are also famous people who bear the name Chester- Chester Gould (American Cartoonist), Chester Himes (American Novelist), Chester Hanks (Son of Tom Hanks), and there are many others.
Famous People with the Name Chester
Pop culture embrace the name Chester- city in England, Chester Cheetah is the Cheetos advertising mascot, and Chester Barklight is a the famous name of a video called “Tales of Phantasia.” Of course there are many others who have the boy name Chester, which is unique but memorable.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.