Meaning of Origin of the Name Conrad
Conrad is a male’s name whose popularity was at its peak in the late 1400’s in both England and France. The popularity of Conrad is on the rise thanks to parents wanting new and unusual names for their newborns. The meaning of Conrad is “bold counsel”, and the name has its origins in Germany. Many countries have their own form of the name as it is a strong name to name a son.
Famous People with the Name Conrad
There are and have been several famous people with the name Conrad such as Conrad Smith, Conrad Phillips, and Conrad the prior.

Conrad Smith is from Hawera, New Zealand and plays as a Rugby teammate. He was the captain of the Hurricanes from 2004 to 2015. Conrad Smith now plays rugby for France.
Conrad Phillips was a British television actor. He was born in 1925 and died in 2016. He is well known for playing William Tell in the “Adventures of William Tell. He served in the second world war and also had British stage and film roles.
Conrad the prior was prior at Christ Church in Canterbury in the 12th Century. Conrad’s role was to be the head of the Church while the archbishop acted as the Abbott. Conrad is a strong name that any young man would be honored to have.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys names.