Meaning and Origin of the Name Damon
The name Damon can mean a lot of different thing’s to different people.
The origin of the name Damon is from Greece and originates from the Greek word Damianos which in turn is thought to be derived from the name ‘Dameo’. The name Dameo is generally thought to mean gentle or to tame.
Damon was a loyal friend of Pythias from Syracuse and according to Greek legend, when Pythias was sentenced to death, he was allowed to temporarily go free on the condition that Damon take his place in prison.
The popularity of Damon is fairly common in America and most English speaking countries. The name was not ranked in the top 100 baby names in England in 2017 however in the U.S. it was ranked in 440th.
Data from the U.S. government reports that Damon appeared on the charts for the first time in 1912 on position 1005th. The name was given to 681 baby boy’s in 2012 and Damon peaked in popularity 42 years ago in 1976 on position 105th.
Famous People Called Damon

Famous people with the name Damon include; Damon Fizzy, Damon Blake, Damon Wayans Jr, Damon Dash, Damon Dominique, Damon Christopher, Damon Kimes, Damon Runyon and Damon Dash II.
The most popular English people called Damon are:
- Damon Albarn, singer and songwriter and lead singer of band Blur
- Damon Hill, the famous British Formula 1 driver and World Champion during the 1990’s.
The most famous person with surname Damon has to be Matt Damon, the Hollywood actor and had hits with ‘Good Will Hunting’ and The Bourne series.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English boys’ names