Meaning and Origin of the Name Davy
Davy is a name given to the baby boys. It is shortened from the word David or Davey. Most parents will name their kids Dave to signify the beloved.
David and hence Davy is a Hebrew name and the meaning of the name is ‘Beloved’.
The Popularity of the Name Davy
Research has that Davy is among the top known names in the US ranking in the second position. Most parents will name their kids Davy, which totals a whopping 92,597 yearly. Davy’s popularity has been recorded in the top 100 until 2018, but in 2015 it emerged in the 15 positions.
Back in the England and Wales, Davy hasn’t appeard in the top 100 baby boys’ names since records have begun, however David has remained fairly consitantly in the top 100 names and in the late 2010s the name was around top 50th baby boys name (source ONS).

Famous people with the Name
Famous people with the name Davy include:
Davy Jones (music) – a singer and actor in the group the Monkees. Davy Jones, was from Manchester in England before moving to the US.
Davy Crockett – was an American foke hero and politian who represented Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Davy Jones (fiction) – was also a charector in the film Pirates of the Caribbean
Userful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.