Meaning and Origin of the Name Denzil
Denzil is an English boy’s name. The meaning of Denzil came from a surname of a person that lived in the Denzell manor in Cornwall.
Cornwall is located off of England on its southwestern tip.
How to Pronounce the Name?
Denzil is pronounced as DEN-zil.
In 2014, Denzil was not in the top 100 most popular baby boys’ names.
Also, the name was very popular in the Untied States from the year 1910 to 1950 and the name has not been used much since.
Famous People Called Denzil
In the sixteenth century, the name Denzil came from a number of members of the Holles family. One of which is a writer and statesmen named Denzil Holles. He was born on October 31st 1599 and he died on February 17th 1680.
John Denzell had held large estates in Cornwall. He was a Sergeant at Law and Attorney General. When he died his two daughters became the sole heiresses to the estate. One of the daughters married into the Holles family around 1509. The meaning of the name comes from and ancient family that use to reside in the Denzell manor Cornwall, England.
Denzil Tulser is a fictional character from the famous UK sitcom ‘Only Fools and Horses’.
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