Meaning and Origin of the NameDoran
The name Doran has been around for centuries. People spell it in different ways including Dorran, O’Doran, O’Deorain, Dora-in, Doron and others.
It seems that Doran is most popular in Ireland. The origin of this name was Irish.It was a popular Irish last name.
In English, Irish, and Celtic the meaning of Doran is stranger but in Greek it means Gift.
The popularity of Doran is an uncommon first name for male.If you are considering this name as your baby’s name, all over the world this name is more a boy name. Many people believe that the name can affect success in life. In the 1800s, this name was a popular girl’s name. Not many boys in the U.S have the name Doran and England, in 2018 Doran was not in the 100 top baby boys names, so that being said the name Doran is very rare.
Traits of People With the Name
Supposedly, people with this name are excellent at analysing, understanding, and learning. Boys who have this name crave quietness, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English boys’ names.