Origin of the Name Dorian
The name Dorian is a Greek name that means from Doris or Doros. If you were searching for a baby name, you should really think about how this name came about. The name is powerful because it has the Greek heritage, and it helps you get connected with history.
The Meaning
There is no specific meaning of this word because it points to a place in the world called Doris or Doros. The Greeks often attached names to places, and that has been done even in recent times with Germanic names such as Ludwig van Beethoven who was Ludwig of Beethoven the town.
The Popularity Of Dorian

The name comes from the book A Picture of Dorian Gray, and it is one that people use when they realise that they can dedicate that name to a book that they really like. The meaning of Dorian takes a turn because it also comes with precedent from people like Dorian Yates or Dorian Harewood.
Those famous names are the ones that people usually remember when picking a name because it makes the name sound more normal. The name might not be popular, but it is a unique name that has historical roots.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.