Meaning and Origin of the Name Drake
The name Drake has always been a popular male name. The meaning of Drake, dragon or snake, is a Greek baby name. Studies have shown that people with this name have several personality traits and tendencies.
Traits of People with the Name

Drakes are known to have a tendency to be interested in others. Drakes enjoy serving and helping others. They are humanitarians.
They are generous and kind, and responsible. They enjoy jobs that allow their creativity flow. They are forever optimistic and good natured. Known to be both considerate and kind to others in need, Drakes are considered great loyal friends.
Famous People Called Drake
The most famous Drake was Sir Francis Drake, an vice admiral in the English Navy. He circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition and he also captained a fleet of ships against the Spanish Armada in 1588.
Some other famous people who have the name Drake include Drake-Rapper, Drake Sather, Drake Henning, Drake Bell, Drake Jensen, and Drake Nevis to name only a few. These men’s occupations range from actors to screenwriters to football players.
Popularity of the Name
Drake was not in the top 100 baby boys names in in England in 2014. However, in the last century (in the US), the name Drake has been in the top 1000 about 32 times since 1961. The popularity of Drake has grown each year. The highest it has topped is 230 in recent years.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other boys’ names like Drake