Names Beginning with F

English boys names starting with the letter F. Discover the meaning and popularity of these names including the names Ferris, Fletcher, Freddie and much more.

FabianEnglish name from the Latin name Fabricius*
FentonIs a place name in the North of England and it means marsh lands*
FerdinandFrom the name Ferdinando*
FerrisName of a person with a job as an iron worker*
FletcherOriginates from the maker of arrows*
FloydA variant from the name Lloyd**
FordA person who lived by a river**
ForrestA person who lived by a forest*
FrancisEnglish name for Francesco*
FranklinMeans freeman- not of noble birth*
FredPet form of Frederick or Alfred**
FreddiePet name for Fred*****
FrankShort form of Francis**
FrederickName mean peaceful powerful ruler*
FreemanA Freeman*

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