Origin of the Name Fletcher
The name Fletcher comes from Scottish, Irish, and English origins.
Meaning of the Name Fletcher
Meaning of Fletcher is a professional title of a person who sells arrows or Arrowsmith. This meaning comes from the Old English word “Fulcher” or the Old French word “fleche” that means arrow. Despite Fletcher being used since 1330, it did not become a family name until the year 1203.
Popularity of the Name Fletcher
Popularity of Fletcher is low is England as it ranked 233 on the list of desired baby boy names in 2016.
The first people with the name Fletcher include a member of the Fletcher Clan- Robert le Flecher in the year 1203. The Fletcher Clan are descendants of William Fletcher from Yorkshire, England.
Famous People with The Name Fletcher

The name Fletcher is not very popular in England; however, many famous people have the name such as:
- Fletcher Christian who was born on September 25, 1764, in Cumberland, England. Fletcher was a master’s mate, or sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navy in modern terms, who traveled to Haiti in search of Breadfruit plants in the year 1787.
- Fletcher is also the name of Fletcher Cox- a defensive tackle for the Philadelphia Eagles- an American football team.
- Norman Stanley Fletcher is also the name of the fictional character in the popular English T.V. show Porridge.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.