Meaning and Origin of the Name Giles
The name Giles is a simple and classic English name which originates from the Latin name Aegidius, which in turn is derived from Greek name αιγιδιον.
The meaning of Giles is kid or goatskin.
It is not as popular as many boy names in England and didn’t make it as one of the top 100 baby boy names in England in 2017.
Famous People with the Name Gilles
The popularity of Giles has varied throughout the years, started centuries ago, and there are some notable people who were named Giles. One of the most notable uses of the name is for Saint Giles. He was from Athens and lived in the 1500s.
Giles of Rome is another man who lived long ago and had this name. Giles Barnes is a professional footballer who is alive today and plays for the Jamaica National Team.

And Gyles Brandreth is a well known an English writer and broadcaster. The name has been given to boys for a long time and still sounds good today. It looks nice when spelt out, and there are smart and kind men who had this name, who parents can feel good naming their son after.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.