Origin and Meaning of the Name Hadley
The name Hadley comes from the Anglo-Saxon faction and the meaning of Hadley resembles to the symbolic icon of the everlasting “heather field”.
Famous People or things called Hadley
Many Virginian slave owners back in 17th century Jamestown also adopted this name for this very reason. The once well known Windsor singer “Pirate Queen” Fraser had Hadley Fraser for his birth name.
On the other hand, an Arkley football club based in Barnet is also named Hadley F.C. Hadley Wickham, a New Zealand singer along with Tony Hadley, a song writer-singer both had Hadley for their names as well. Therefore, the name Hadley isn’t as strange as it sound.
In fact, the popularity of Hadley is somewhat iconic especially in the music industry. “Hadley Hadley, come home baby be with me…” The tens and thousands of “Hadley”s all accross UK, from Hertfordshire, Shropshire to Worcestershire and beyond, will one day become the leading names of our glorious British empire. Hadley, after all, symbolizes the land of the free, and the heather field of hope.
Hadley was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in England in 2018.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and populairty of other English boys’ names.