Origin of the Name Ivor
Ivor originated in Scandinovia. During the middle ages Ivor was brought to England by settlers and invaders of Scandinovia.
The English meaning of Ivor is archer’s bow.
Popularity of Ivor
The name Ivor was at its height in 1910. Ivor was at its lowest around 1989. It appears to be regaining popularity again. Ivor is currently at 976 out of 4685 in popularity.
Famous People Named Ivor
Ivor Gurney was a British poet and composer. Gurney wrote his first musical composition at 14. In 1911, Gurney earned a scholarship to Royal Academy.
Ivor Grattan-Guinness was known as a mathematical historian and student of logic.
When Ivor Novello died in 1951, He was a popular British entertainer the first half of the 20th century. A composer, Keep the Home Fires Burning was a big hit during World War I.
Ivor Roberts was a renowned British actor, announced, and personality. He was best known for his role as Arnold Thomas in the 1990s British comedy Oh Doctor Beeching. Roberts was born in 1925 in Nottingham.
Ivor Emmanuel singer and actor in British television. He recorded the 1966 version of The Pirates of Penzance.
Ivor Allchurch was a Welsh international football player who played for Swansea City (Town as it was known then). He played upfront as a striker.
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