English boys names starting with the letter J. Discover the meaning and popularity of these names including the names John, Jack, James and much more.
Name | Description | Popularity |
Jack | The English name is a pet form of John. | ***** |
Jackie | Pet form of Jack. | ** |
Jackson | Jackson means the son of Jack. | *** |
Jacob | Biblical name from the Hebrew name Yaakov. | ***** |
Jake | English name derived from Jack. | ***** |
Jamie | A pet name for James | ***** |
James | Biblical name from the Latin name Iacomus. | ***** |
Jarrod | A Biblical name. | ** |
Jarvis | English name from the Norman name Gervaise. | ** |
Jason | From Greek mythology Iason. | *** |
Jasper | A bearer of treasure (as in the 3 wise men) | ** |
Jed | Short for Jedidiah. | * |
Jeff | Pet form of Jeffrey. | ** |
Jeffrey | English name from Geoffrey | *** |
Jefferson | Son of Jeffrey. | * |
Jenson | Means son of Jens. | **** |
Jeremy | English version of Jeremiah. | *** |
Jermaine | Male name from Germaine. | ** |
Jerome | means holy name. | ** |
Jerrard | Jerrard from the name Gerard. | ** |
Jerrold | Jerrold from Gerald. | * |
Jerry | Pet form of Jeremy. | ** |
Jesse | Meaning gift. | * |
Jethro | Derived from the Hebrew name Ithra. | * |
Jim | Pet form of the English boy’s name James. | *** |
Jimmy | Jimmy from Jim. | ** |
Joe | Short for Joseph. | **** |
Jody | Jody can be a male name but it’s more commonly female name. | * |
Joey | Pet form of Joe. | **** |
John | Anglicised version of Ioannes. | ***** |
Johnathan | Variant of Jonathan. | * |
Johnny | Pet form of John. | *** |
Jordan | Jordan from the river Jordan. | *** |
Joseph | From Yosef meaning God will make you fertile. | **** |
Josh | Pet form of Joshua. | **** |
Judd | Judd pet form of Jordan. | * |
Jude | Jude from the name Judas. | **** |
Julian | English version of yhe name Julius. | *** |
Justin | English version of the name Justus. | *** |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z