Jacob is a popular boy’s name in England. We’ll see the meaning and origins of the name Jacob, its popularity and prominent people with the name Jacob.
Jacob’s Meaning
Jacob is a Biblical name derived from the Latin name Lacobus which in turn came from the Hebrew name Yaakov. This name means ‘to follow’.
Jacob is the 7th most popular baby boy’s name in England at the moment (data from ONS in its 2011 report). Jacob is even more popular in Wales being the 3rd most popular baby boy’s name according to the same study.
Famous People
Here’s our list of people with the firs name Jacob:
- Jacob Young – is an American actor and singer who stars in soap opera “All My Children”.
- Jacob Epstein – was a famous British Sculptor.
- Jacob Nielsen – is a famous consultant in the field of usability.
Useful Resources
- See our comprehensive list of English boy’s names.
- Interested in Hot offers on Baby gear?
- Looking for a name book? We recommend the Best Baby Names 2013 book.