Name Boy’s Name Lancelot
The name Lancelot certainly invokes some imagery that people want to enjoy. King Arthur fans rejoice and will want to pass on a famous name for their child. Learn more about the meaning of Lancelot, especially in the United Kingdom.
England is renowned for their ability to pass on the name Lancelot. People all over the world actually recognise that name for themselves. The popularity of Lancelot has since grown among dedicated fans too.
You probably will not be surprised to learn that Lancelot was not in the top 100 baby boys names in England in 2017.
Famous People Called Lancelot

Sir Lancelot (Sir Lancelot du Lac) was a character in a notable fairy tale years ago. King Arthur was a fictional king of Britain and he trusted his knights closely. The name Lancelot was of his first knight at the Round Table. The meaning of Lancelot is steeped in English lore and evokes a bygone era for people.
Lancelot Andrewes was another famous person who served as a bishop and scholar. His time was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I of England. That put Lancelot Andrewes in an important position during his lifetime as well. He was consecrated in 1606 and continued his good work over the years. Decades went by and he became famous in his own right. That explains the popularity of Lancelot.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.