Origin of the Name Marmaduke
Today, the name Marmaduke often carries humorous connotations due to the somewhat famous cartoon cat. And there was Marmaduke “Chuffy” Chuffnell, a character in the hilarious P. G. Wodehouse tales of Jeeves, et al.
There are various interpretations as to the meaning of Marmaduke,as been variously interpreted however the consensus of opinion continues to believe The meaning of Marmakuke means a Follower of St. Maedoc, an Irish Saint.
Marmaduke however, has a long and distinguished history in both Gaelic, Irish cultures as well as the Yorkshire Region of the UK. armaduke is not only a noble given name but carries an air of nobility about it as well. the pouplarity of Marmaduke is not as great today as in former times, yet it still remains as one of our finest given names.
Throughout the years, many important persons, as well as ordinary next-door-neighbors, have been Christened Marmaduke. Since styles come and go, the popularity of Marmaduke will doubtless come back to replace other presently presently popular names.
Famous People with the Name Markmaduke
Marmaduke Thomas St. John, “Pat” Pattle, a WWII flying ace is one notable personage proudly bearing the name of Marmaduke.
A number of English Baronets and MPs have also been given the name of Marmaduke.
Marmaduke Barton is memorable at an English pianist, composer as well as a teacher at the Royal College of Music where he taught for nearly fifty years. He had the good fortune to study in Weimar and among his accolades, Ernest Newman is quoted as
“A more superb performance of Schuman’s Concert would be hard to imagine.”
Marmaduke Thomas was an early English explorer. He was a sealer and whaler at a time when the oils of these animals served a vital purpose in the lives of people to light their homes among other things. He rendered a great many services to his country and today is remembered by a cove known as Duke’s Cove on the west coast of Edgøya, Norway.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.