The Top 10 Boys Names in 2019 England
Here’s the list of the top boys’ names in England according to the Office of National Statistics.

Details of the Names
Oliver is again the top in popularity, the most popular as it has been since 2013. The most popular English boys names in 2019 are unchanged from 2018 except for the switches between Leo and Muhammad and Noel and Arthur.
People select names by several indexes, by location or area in England or Wales, by mother’s age, by social status. Let a person become positively famous and the name is likely to become chosen more often. Older mothers, those over 35 years old selected more traditional names or nicknames, traditional names that have been shortened. Younger women tended to select names more modern and more popular.
The most popular boys names for 2019 were selected in part for the area in which the mother lives. The name Muhammad was by percentage predominant in Pendle England. It is the only name so selected from one area. The other names in the most popular English boys names in 2019 weighed in from selected areas of England or Wales.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.