Oliver is a popular English boy’s name. This name is one of the most popular names in the UK at the moment.
Meaning of Oliver
The name Oliver has Germanic origins and it has close links to the French name Olivier. Some researchers also think that the name Oliver originates from the Latin name for the Olive tree.
Oliver is the 2nd most popular baby boy’s name in England in 2011 (official figures from the Office of National Statistics). In the same study in 2010, Oliver was the most popular baby boy’s name.
Famous People with 1st Name Oliver
Here is a short list of a few male celebrities with the first name Oliver:
- Oliver Cromwell –Famous soldier and politician.
- Oliver Hardy – An American comic actor, famous for being Hardy in the Laurel and Hardy films.
- Oliver Stone – An American film directed whose features include Born on the 4th of July, JFK and Nixon.
Useful Resources
- If you found this page useful see the rest of our website for more information on English boy’s names.
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