Ollie, Origin and Meaning
The name Ollie has a few different meanings. When picking out a name, you want to know where it comes from and what it means. The name Ollie in German and American means elf army, relic, or ancestral heritage.
In Latin countries much like the girls name Olivia, which means olive tree, it means olive which is taken as a symbol of peace, even in our own country’s seal. The French translate it to mean olive tree as well.
Mostly the name Ollie stands for peace and is a good, strong name for a boy. It takes much more strength to be peaceful and keep peace than it does to start a war or cause violence.
The name can even be stretched to mean that he is a man of peace and strength with true character. In England the name is typically derived from Oliver, which is again, translated in most languages to mean olive tree. Most cultures consider the name to be good, strong and peaceful.
Variations in the Name
Two popular variations in the spelling of the name are Olly and Oli.
Ollie was the 69th most popular baby boy’s name in England in 2016 (Office of National Statistics) with 923 baby boys being given the name in that year.
Famous People with the Name

Here are a few famous people with the name:
- Ollie Watkins and Ollie Palmer are both English footballers.
- Oli McBurnie is another footballer for Swansea City.
- Olly Murs is an English entertainer from Essex who sings and presents who became famous after finishing 6th on the tv show X Factor.
Useful Resources
- List of English boys names
- Popular English names.
- The boys names Oliver