English boys names starting with the letter P. Discover the meaning and popularity of these names including the names Patrick, Peter, Percy and much more.
Name | Description | Popularity |
Paddy | Pet name for Patrick | ** |
Pancras | From Greek name Pankratios | * |
Pat | Pet name for Patrick | ** |
Patrick | Patron St. Of Ireland | *** |
Paul | From Paulus meaning Small | *** |
Pearce | A form of Pierce | ** |
Perce | Pet form of Percy | * |
Percival | From the French name Perceval | * |
Percy | Pet form of Percival | *** |
Perry | Someone who lived by a pear tree | *** |
Peter | Popular biblical name from the name Petros | **** |
Phil | Short form of Philip | *** |
Philbert | Means most bright | * |
Philip | From a person who loves horses | *** |
Philo | From the name Philon | * |
Pierce | From the name Piers | ** |
Piers | Middle English male name derived from of Peter | * |
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