Meaning and Origin of the Name Percival
What is another way to say “one who pierces the valley”? If you guessed the is the meaning of Percival then you would guess correctly.
The name Percival originates from the French name Perceval.
Although the popularity of Percival lost all of its 0.006% popularity after the year 1902.
Famous People with the Name Percival
Those who were given this great French truly lived to the meaning of their names such as Percival Lowell, Percival Proctor, and Percival Everett.
Percival Lowell or also known as Percival Lawrence Lowell was a man who pierced the valley of the unknown by founding the Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. He also provided effort into discovering Pluto within fourteen years after his death.
Percival Proctor was a European radio trainer and communications during the Second World War for aircraft.
Percival Everett was a professor at the University of Southern California focusing on English who was a highly distinguished American writer.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.