Meaning and Origin of the Name Pierce
The historical name Pierce derives all the way back from the 1200s-1300s, the name has significant meaning not to mention you might be familiar with the name through people’s fame! There are quite a few people that are famous and very popular with that name.
Sequentially, the meaning of Pierce, is an imitative of Piers, an early modern day form of Peter (rock). The name was ordinary during the middle ages and had set the standard for numerous surnames.
The root of Pierce comes from Greece. The name is a Greek boys name that is pronounced ‘peerz’. Pierce has nine other alternative forms: Pearce, Pears, Pearson, Pearsson, Peerce, Peirce, Piers, Pierson, and Piersson.
The English, French, Irish, and Latin antecedent of Pierce means “rock or stone.”
The popularity of the Name
In 2016 there were 641 babies born and named Pierce. The popularity of Pierce has ranked > 31,0000 in the United States. In England, Pierce was not in the top 100 baby boys names in 2017.
Famous People and Places Called Pierce

Pierce Brosnan – is a famous actor, who played James Bond (an English spy) in four films.
Pierce County – is a county in Washington state.
Other Facts
Pierce even has a Name Acronym, it goes; P- Progress, I – Intellectual, E- Ethical, R – Respected, C – Certain, E – Enchanting. Personality prediction of name Pierce says: You are peaceful but sensitive. According to the name, you are artistic and loves music, and at unexpected times can be hedonic. Occasionally you seem to get bored and be discontent due to being spoiled.
The way the Americans define the name “Pierce” in English : (is of a sharp pointed object) go into or through something, this definition is very similar to the Latin definition- “bored through.”
As you can see the name is very informational. The name has a deep root in history that is traced back hundreds and hundreds of years ago. The name has some depth to it, has an interesting background, and is unique in its own way.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.