Meaning and Origin of the Name Piers
The name Piers comes from the male name, Peter, and the meaning of Piers is rock.
It is a short name with easy spelling, and it is a common enough name that it is easy to know how to spell it. You might also be interested in the similar name Pierce.
The name Piers is an English boy name that isn’t greatly popular. It wasn’t on the list of top 100 names used in England in 2017.
Famous People Called Piers
Piers is the name of several notable celebrities.
One of the most famous people with the name Piers is Piers Morgan, an English television personality, writer, and journalist, who is known for his time spent on Britain’s Got Talent, America’s Got Talent, and other television.
Another famous Piers is Piers Anthony, a British-American author. And Piers Plowman is the title of a well-known poem written by William Langland in the 14th century. So, even though the popularity of Piers isn’t as great as that of Peter or as many other male names, it is a name that is known by most people because it has been used in these ways.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names on our website.