Meaning and Origin of the Name Ray
The name Ray which is usually an abbreviated version of the name Raymond is a boys name that originates from England.
As for the meaning of the name Ray or Raymond, there are different interpretations and meanings. For example, the English meaning of Ray is the wise protector. However, in England, the name has also been associated with someone who behaves in a regal fashion and could even mean a king. there is another meaning to the name in Scotland and America is grace.
Although not one of the top 100 names for boys in the year 2017, the popularity of Ray as a name holds true throughout history.
Although Ray hasn’t been in the top 100 baby boys names since 1905, the name Raymond has as you can see below:

Famous People with the name Ray

Many notable individuals have had the name Ray. For example, Science Fiction novelist Ray Bradbury, actor Ray Fisher and of course fame musician Ray Charles just to name a few.
So, this name that started back in England and is still commonly used there has a rich history throughout the world. Even if the name isn’t always in the top 100 boy’s name for a particular year it is still one that is commonly used and although simple has much meaning behind it.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys names.