Meaning and Origin of Raymond
The Raymond name was borrowed from the French over to English. It is a boy’s name whose origin begins in the Germanic culture where it is pronounced RAY-mund and generally spelt Raimund. The meaning of Raymond is “protecting hands”.
In Old German, the Raymond name was a combination of two words: Ragin or Regin which meant “counsel” and -mund which meant “hand” and it was spelt in those variant forms. For example Raginmund and Reginmund.
Ray is a pet name for Raymond.
The popularity of Raymond is not within the top 100 baby boys’ names rankings in England in 2013. It is also very popular as a surname.
The first finding of it as an English surname was in 1086 as the name Giraldus Reimundus appears in the Doomsday Book, even though this name Reimundus is that of Latin descent.
Famous People Called Raymond

Famous People with the name include:
- Raymond Bessone British celebrity hairstylist
- Raymond Briggs English illustrator
- Raymond Blur and American actor, known for his role as Perry Mason and Ironside.
- Gary Raymond British actor
- Harry Raymond English footballer
Variations of the Name
There are various forms of the name Raymond and the most common nickname is Ray.
Useful Resources
- Check out our other English boys’ names like Raymond
- The name Ray