Origin of The Name Rupert
The name Rupert was introduced in the 17th century by Prince Rupert of the Rhine. Prince Rupert was a military commander and nephew to Charles 1. Prince Rupert had been the commander of his uncles calvary in the English Civil War.
Rupert comes from the German origin of Robert.
The meaning of Rupert
Rupert means Bright Fame.
How to Pronounce Rupert?
The proper pronoun-citation to the Rupert name is, ROO-part.
The name Rupert was the 136th most popular baby boy’s name in England in 2016. This name has grown in popularity year on year from 2008
Famous People with the First Name Rupert

The list below shows some of the famous people who have the name Rupert.
- Rupert the bear – a character in the Express newspapers in the 1920′ now famous in his own rights.
- Rupert Grind, an English actor who played Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter Films.
- English Actor, Rupert Young
- English Actor that played the roll of Ron Weasley in Harry Potter, Rupert Grint
- British WWW poet, Rupert Brock
- Survivor contestant, Rupert Boneham
- English Actor, Rupert Graves
- Rupert Murdoch – the Australian businessman.
Useful Resources
- See meaning and popularity other English boys’ names like Rupert