Origin of the Name
The name Jamie is a variant of the proper name Biblical name James. From the Hebrew and English language, this name can be used for either a boy or a girl. There are numerous spellings to this name and it is very popular all over the world.
Jamie popularity is something that has been steady for decades. Originally, this name started out as a nickname for those who carried the name James. However, it began to increase and was able to stand alone as a proper name rather than a nick name.
Meaning and Popularity
The English name Jamie means Supplanter. While it has often been used for both boys and girls, the trends show that in the US more girls are named Jamie than boys. In 2006, the UK reported that it was the 32nd most commonly used name for boys. Oddly enough, the trends vary from country to country on whether it is more popular for a boy or a girl. More recently (2012) Jamie, was the 63rd most popular baby boy’s name in England.
The Jamie name is something that is beautiful, easy to spell and commonly used in many countries. It is favored more now than James, the name it derived from. While James is more proper, Jamie is more fun loving and favored by those who want an easy to spell and pretty name.
Celebrities with the Name
Famous people called Jamie include the TV chef Jamie Oliver and TV football pundit Jamie Rednapp.