Meaning and Origin of the Name Travis
The name Travis comes from the French word “traverser”, so the meaning of Travis is “to cross”. The name Travis came from traverser as something to call the men that guarded the bridges in France and collected tolls from those that crossed.

Travis is a recognised boy name in the UK but isn’t super popular. The name wasn’t in the top 100 baby boys’ names. The popularity of Travis declined since the early 2000s but hasn’t completely dropped off the list of potential baby names.
Famous People with the name Travis
Some people in the UK may associate Travis with the Scottish Travis band, who had some great hits in the UK like “Sing” and “Why does it always rain on me?”.
Travis has other musical associations, like the moderately controversial rapper Travis Scott, that rose to popularity in America around 2015. And last but not least, there is famed musician Travis Barker, who was the frontman for Blink-182.
If you sense some wanderlust in your baby, consider the name Travis to inspire him to travel.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English boys’ names.