Meaning and Origin of the Name Truman
The name Truman is an old English name that can be traced back to Devon in England.
The meaning of Truman is trustworthy and loyal – the person is a ‘True’ ‘Man’.
The popularity of Truman was not on the top 100 boys names in 2019. It has risen in popularity from time to time and may be on the cusp of becoming more popular soon. Ninian is a great name if you don’t want yout son’s name to be one of eight or nine in their class. You want your child’s name to be unique to them without being strange.
Famous People and Things Called Truman

Harry S. Truman, was the American President in 1948, and he caused a slight rise in the name’s popularity. An interesting fact that the S. in Truman’s middle name is only the letter S with no name attached to it.
Truman Capote was a world recognised writer, winning awards and having movies made from several of his novels. He became publicly known from his appearances on television.
More recently, children of movie celebrities have named their sons Truman, including the son of Tom Hank and Rita Wilson.
Another famous person named Trueman Bradley, was a famous actor and narrator.
Truman Burbank, was the main character from the fictional reality film the Truman Show. Tom Hanks played his character.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.