Origin of the Name Vernon
Vernon is a given male name as well as a last name. In the 11th century, during the battle of the Norman Conquest of England the name Vernon was first used as a last name. It wasn’t until the 19th century that England began using Vernon as a given name.
Meaning of Vernon
Vernon is both an English and French name. It means the Alder tree.
Popularity of Vernon
In 1900, Vernon was at number 140 in the most popular baby boys’ names. It left the top 200 later.
Famous People and Thing Named Vernon
Although Mount Vernon is in Virginia, one of the States of the United States, it belonged to England until June 25, 1788 when Virginia joined the United States Union and was no longer an English colony.
George Washington’s famous home was named for Vice Admiral Edward Vernon who fought successfully in the War of Jenkins’ Ear from 1739 to 1748. Vernon Kay is a television representative and radio DJ in Britain. Vernon Scannell was a famous British poet.
Fictional Vernons
Vernon Dursley is known as Harry Potter’s uncle in the famous Harry Potter book and movie series by British born author J K Rowling.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English boys’ names