Meaning and Origin of the Name Vince
The meaning of Vince is conquering and it comes from the Latin vincere which means to conquer.

Of course, Vince, is typically short for Vincent but it can also be short for Vinny or Vinnie as well. Some linguists have also translated the name to mean winning & it is estimated that it dates all the way back to as early as the 1100’s.
The name Vince hasn’t been in the top 100 most popular boy’s names but Vincent has been and the popularity of Vincent has since fallen out of favour with many families.

Famous People Called Vince
There have been a lot of famous people by that name over the years & one of them is Vince McMahon, one of the foremost names in the world of wrestling. Another example is Vince Cable, the leader of the liberal democrats from 2017 to 2019, as well as Vince Vaughn, one of the most prolific actors of his generation.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.