Meaning and Origin of the Name Wallace
The name Wallace is derived from a Scottish surname. Wallace in short means “Welshman”, “wale”, or “Wales”.

The meaning of Wallace is simple “Welsh man” or “Wales”.
Wallace has strong ties to the Wallace Clan of Scotland, led by William Wallace who is often referred to as “the hero of Scotland”. The English meaning of Wallace is foreigner or stranger.
The popularity of the name Wallace saw its increase in the early 1920’s, being in the top 100 names, but has lost popularity throughout the years, being only in the top 1000 in 1999 and decreasing thereafter. Popularity in the 1920’s can be contributed to actors such as Wallace Beery or Wallace Reid.
The popularity of Wallace can also be contributed to the Claymation series Wallace and Gromit, and the actor Wallace Shawn.
Wallace is recognised as a gender neutral name, although it is often used to name male babies. The name Wallace can be currently found on lists of unique and rare baby names, as it has decreased significantly in popularity.
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