Meaning and Origin of the Name Webster
Occupational surnames have been brought from the known trading of the medieval time. The last name Webster is an professional call for a maker of cloth. The last name Webster is brought from the Old English name Webster, which at the beginning intended woman weaver. Nevertheless, this name came to typically talk to men who weaved later on.
Webster as a first name is very rare and it is no surprise that the name was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in England in 2020.
Famous Websters
There are not a huge number of Websters to choose from, but those of note are:
Webster Hubbell – worked as an Associate Attorney General from 1993 to 1994 in the US. Webster was linked to the Whitewater controversy and was later jailed.
Webster Paulson – was an English civil engineer, he was famous for is construction work in Malta.
Kevin Webster – is the fictional mechanic from the English TV series Coronation Street.
History of the Surname
The outstanding surname Webster emerged many of the industrious humans of Flanders, this meaning of Webster which turned into an critical trading associate and political best friend of Britain in the course of the Middle of the Ages.
As a end result of the common industrial intercourse among the Flemish and the English nations, and the popularity of Webster does show that many of the Flemish migrants stayed in Britain. In the early times, humans have been seen through only a pure single name. However, because the populace grew and those travelled more broadly, it was more and more essential to expect an extra name to distinguish among bearers of the identical private name.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other English boys’ names.