Meaning of Wilbur
Depending on the origin, Wilbur can mean many things. Generally, the name means “strong foundation”. In Charlotte’s web, the pig was named Wilbur. Wilbur means “Wild Boar”. In Old German, the name means “resolute or brilliant”. The name, in Middle English, stands for “Wildbor”.
Popularity of Wilbur
Wilbur is a rare name and not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in England in 2020. It is ranked as the 3,958th most popular name in the United States in 2018. In 1918, over 1800 people were named Wilbur.
Popular People with 1st Name Wilbur
Here is a short list of people with the name Wilbur.

Wilbur Wright – One of the brothers who helped with inventing and building. Wilbur Wright took part in the making and crafting of the mechanical aircraft.
Wilbur Soot – He releases albums. A known British internet personality, Twitch streamer, and singer-songwriter.
Wilbur Smith – Novelist
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.