Meaning and Origin of the name Wilmot
The name comes from William and possibly means “son of” and the meaning of the name Wilmot is in part “little.”
The spelling of the name is simple, and the pronunciation of the name is simple, as well. Given the simplicity of the name it surprising the name is not more popular and a desirable as a baby boy’s name.
Wilmot is not one of the most popular names in England, it did not making it to the top 100 baby boys’ names list in 2016. But Wilmot is still a classic and good sounding name and a good choice for any parent looking for an English name.
Famous People with the name Wilmot
There are a number of famous Wilmots namely:
- Wilmot Brookings an American Pioneer back in 19th century was .
- Gary Wilmot is an English singer and entertainer, and although his surname is Wilmot, he was still a very popular entertainer in Britain.
- Henry Wilmot was the first Earl of Rochester and
- Wilmot Mountain is a place in Wisconsin, United States.
So, while the popularity of Wilmot is not as great as a lot of names, it is still a name that everyone will recognise instantly.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other English boys’ names.